Just an ordinary human being that have a lot of dreams like the other people out there. Love to have friends from all around the world and never regret to have it. i'll love people that sincere in friendship! and hate people that is selfish and arrogant. BELIEVE in love at a first sight,although sumone said that is so ridiculous. i'm just ok! and one more things,i'm totally malay without mix blood! dont call me 'amoi' rascal! =']

extra info:
*wearing skirt n short (call me bitch? ultimately,WHO CARE?)
*like to watch people behaviour.
*hate copycat. love fake things.
*under parental control.
give sum space to my blog's list.


Tuesday, October 12

# holla.

because of nothin to do. why not i write its mo. kui3.
but what the topic hah?
got ideas!


*suddenly i remember what my bff said: "aku da gtau awal2 kat balak aku, kawin nty aku tanak pakai emas plg2 pun habib jewel. emas?? euww..ada agy ke org like us nk kai emas yg silau2 pelik cmtu. ahahaha.*

that what my bff said.

yes i'm totally agree. i also didnt like gold. its look strange if i wear its. like auntie-auntie's look. but its also benefit when desperate's time. yeah! we cant PAJAK its. ahaks.

ok see this:

gorgeous ryte.
*me looking for the next bung mokhtar*

p/s: reen,cani ke yg kau nk tu duh?
#right thur

I have to stuck in lab for 2 hours without lecturer. so i guess i can surf my social networking side.
when i want to go to facebooking's side its show this fuckin message:.
"akses ke web ini tidak dibenarkan".
oho. i pay for ur internet's bil also lol!
hate this loo's college. ahaks.
stingy. so haji bakhil la kamu wahai kolej tersayang.

such for a long time i didnt update my monk's blog ryte.
ahaha. its not cause of no time to update its or the other meaning is 'sibuk' oho i'm not that kind of shit. SAYA BUKAN MENCAPAP. *lalala*
what next!
aha wanna tell u buddy that i'm taken. that all. =]
its too early to show off his face.
maybe some other time.
yes. he have car. *that is most important criteria*
no men no try. no man no cry.
ouh girl.
i think u should think bout ur future.
choose boyfie that have ambitious. its so meaningful later.
also to u guys.
i'm not materialistic but its truth.

*shh..my classmates do their own works like me. dunno what they do. maybe watch hentai. huhu. i dun think so. masakan! mau on fb pun gak bisa.*
poor them also me.

in my mind: what i gonna do?! bout 1hours 30 minutes to stuck here. damn.

in my asshole: what the *^TEG#E&*9!! i'm bored bitch.